I was in Cincinnati the week prior to the Labor Day Holiday, or as some refer to it here, “Booms Day”. A local radio station has produced a 30 minute mammoth fireworks display on the Ohio River since 1977 along with a choreographed soundtrack. A week prior to ignition, several boats have already docked on the Newport side of the river getting the hopeful perfect viewing spot. Over a half million people will show up on both sides of the river and blankets and will begin to fill the wall and river banks.

Everyone has a memory and story of the fireworks, rather it be the year they set out blankets early, their annual viewing spot or party, or the spectacular waterfalls off of two bridges onto the river. It is a tradition that signifies the end of summer and the coming of Fall. I wondered if anyone has ever moved anywhere close to the Ohio River here and wasn’t aware of this annual celebration; what a thundering welcome that had to be, hopefully they like fireworks.
But more, I thought of the significance of the many traditions that are part of our communities and the stories and memories they create no matter if we attend the show, walk along the river a week prior like me, or watch on television. On my walk I saw banners being placed on bridges, grass being mowed, port-a-johns being delivered, railings being painted, and a river boat arriving from Louisville with excited travelers.
Here’s to a great summer, a beautiful Autumn and traditions that illuminate and enrich our community.