These were the words of Dayton City Commissioner Matt Joseph at The ENACT Closing Ceremony at the Dayton Metro Library on December 4th as he shared his appreciation for the contributions of the participants or Fellow in ENACT 937. The goal of ENACT (Emerging New Americans Community Team) is to connect aspiring New American leaders with established community resources and fundamental civic education in order to build a base of knowledge that empowers them to become advocates for the New American community and in doing so, increase their sense of belonging. I have worked with this initiative hosted by The Ohio History Connection over the past 4 years in Dayton and Columbus, Ohio.
Asset Based Community Development is at the foundation of the program, building on the skills, knowledge and passions of these community leaders. It was an inspiring afternoon of story telling as several of the Fellows shared stories of their recently implemented community projects. It was also a reminder of the significant contributions cornerstone institutions such as libraries and museums can have.