Connections Brewing

A couple neighbors came together several years ago when their local civic group seemed to be focusing on only what was wrong and the deficits in their community. I recall John Eby saying there’s so much we love about Westwood and why we live here. So we began inviting neighbors to join in the conversation about the assets and the passions each has.  All kinds of community activities started popping up: Front Yard Fiestas, Up For Grabs Community Gathering, Neighborhood Community Dinners, Treasure of Cincinnati Community Conversations, Treasure Qwest Amazing Races, Art Fairs, Neighborhood Murals and now Beer Gardens. Their “meetings” consisted of what the neighbors getting to know each other and exploring their gifts, interest and ways  to bring people together.

Check out what this group of passionate citizens is up to in Cincinnati, Ohio and what’s in the Works:

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