A key “teacher” in my life was David Schwartz who wrote a compelling book, Who Cares?- Rediscovering Community. It speaks of responses that will lead to better more enriched lives for us all and about the remnants of hospitality that can still be f...
A Neighborhood Treasure Chest

I love the spirit, smell, and aisles of a small local hardware store. Recently I visited the nearby store in my new neighbourhood: with its worn wood floors, abundant shelves and helpful staff;this store is a treasure chest in the neighbourhood . As I walked t...
Play Ball!

With spring emerging I am again reflecting on baseball and our communities. As Opening Day of the new season comes I was thinking of the movement over the past years to define their old “stadiums” with words such as “ballparks” or “park” such as Gr...
Collecting Neighborhood Assets

I have often compared asset mapping to baseball card collecting. Baseball cards contain only assets of each player and usually something unique about them. We all have those gifts, interests, skills and passions that make up our baseball cards. Our neighborhoo...
Poking Around The Neighborhood

Urban acupuncture is intended to produce small-scale but socially catalytic interventions in the urban fabric. There are videos of large-scale, often funny interventions occurring in cities such as New York. I was part of an early morning High Five greeting as...
Craft Beer: Care Brewing Locally

Last weekend, I went on a bike ride with some friends through the city visiting 4 local craft beer breweries. The number of people at each and the energy around this craft beer movement struck me. A couple of the breweries had very nice tasting rooms and anoth...
Neighbours in Napa

On a recent visit to California I was struck by the stories and passion of the people in Napa. Everyone that I spoke to shared a powerful stories from the earthquake that occured a little over a month ago. The destruction was all around in the certificates on ...
“The Extras in the Movie of our Life”
Last weekend, a group of residents from an apartment building, along with a couple businesses and a local church hosted a ‘Summer In The City BBQ.’ The aim was to create an opportunity for people to come together and meet neighbors and strangers....
From Labels to Gifts
A beautiful article in this mornings Globe and Mail shares a glimpse into one Mom’s journey and celebration of her son’s gifts. “Technically speaking, Benjamin has a number of somewhat unflattering terms hyphened to his humanity: non-verbal, ...
Connections Brewing

A couple neighbors came together several years ago when their local civic group seemed to be focusing on only what was wrong and the deficits in their community. I recall John Eby saying there’s so much we love about Westwood and why we live here. So we bega...