Fun and interesting conversation at Self Determination Conference in the Dells exploring ways to build connections in community. Heard moving stories of the impact of “getting up off the couch” and discovering “my glass is full.” Staff ...
Where Are We Going?
What’s Your Intent In working with many groups looking at starting community connecting type initiatives, I often ask, “What’s your intent?” The work can be a challenge and for service agencies it can often be a leap from their structured operations. S...
Neighborhood Partnerships In Unexpected Places
I tend to frequent the small independent coffee shops… except for when I am in Wisconsin Rapids. I usually go to the McDonalds as it is one of the friendliest “coffee shops.” I must not be the only one to know this, as it is often bustling wi...
Warning: Welcoming Community Ahead Where Everyone Matters and Belongs
Across the state of Wisconsin there are highway signs that read: WARNING: Low Flying Aircraft. These are typically in rural areas with small planes dropping what I assume is fertilizer for the crops. After reading these signs, I noticed my eyes are on red aler...
It’s Not What You Are Looking At That Matters, But What You See
One idea to get to know your neighborhood better is to be a tourist for an afternoon and see what unexpected treasures you discover. I am reminded of this often as I travel through towns in Wisconsin. I was in Osh Kosh, and after a meeting walked up Main Stree...
4 Ways to Build a More Connected Welcoming Neigborhood
A recent article in The Guardian reminds us that loneliness is a serious public health issue. As the UK Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has said, loneliness and isolation is as “bad for you” as “smoking 15 cigarettes a day” and “worse than obesity”....
Getting Out of Our box
There have been several times recently when I have reflected on how we respond during times of uncertainty or change. I moved to Wisconsin right after the Governor announced a budget proposal that would make major changes in a number of service systems. There ...
In Case of Emergency
In the case of an emergency, who would you call? Imagine a personal crisis happens in your life, who are the people you call for help and support. In a recent community conversation looking at building on the assets in our communities some one mentioned the ...
Mapping Our Assets
Inspired by the passion, energy and ideas at the last “In Search of Hospitality” conversation at the super welcoming Goodman Centre. We identified some of the assets within our organizations and we made plans for identifying and building relati...
Radical Hospitality Builds Community
Hosted an “In Search of Hospitality” conversation with community builders in Madison: We talked about the places where we each find radical hospitality in our neighbourhoods and the significance of these people and places. Groups like the Wisconsin...