I stopped my bike on the bridge to look at the ducks gathered on the ice and saw a man walking through the woods on the other side of the bridge. As he made his way up to the bridge I noticed he had two cameras hanging on straps around his neck, both with large lenses. I asked if he had been able to get any good photos. He told me he saw an Icelandic Gull, which is not very common here.
We spoke of the nearby park where I was headed and the amount of birds and wildlife that are often there. I learned about the number of photographers that meet there and their passion for the place and its inhabitants. Our conversation made me think of who are our people: rather they be nature photographers, cyclists, pinball players, knitters, community builders or just about anything under the sun. I biked away thinking of those in my life and also now with an eye in the trees and water for birds and other animals.